The Kenilworth Citizens Advisory Committee is a non-partisan committee with four purposes:

  1. Suggest and introduce candidates to fill the offices of the Kenilworth Village Board (Members, President, and Clerk), the Joseph Sears School Board, the Kenilworth Library District, and the Kenilworth Park District Board

  2. When requested by a Board, to suggest a candidate to fill a vacancy in that Board that arises during the term of a Board member

  3. Select delegates to the New Trier Township High School Caucus and other caucuses or organizations as requested

  4. Provide a public forum to discuss issues of interest to the community

We live in a very special community, and it is incumbent upon each of us to contribute to our village.

The Advisory Committee's membership includes Delegates named by local member organizations, as well as Representatives-At-Large from four geographical Districts in Kenilworth.  In addition, a President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer will lead the KCAC.  Standing committees are selected for each of the local boards (e.g., the Village Board), as well as a Candidates Selection Subcommittee and Nominating Committee to facilitate management of the KCAC.